Monday, 9 April 2012

Duane Michals (Photographer)

(Date Accessed:  15th April 2012)

Born in 1932 he attended both the University of Denver and Parsons School of Design.   He worked in freelance photography and as a portraitist.  His work began to challenge philosophical ideas about death, gender and sexuality.
 “Working with staged scenes, he experimented with multiple exposures, sequences and combining text and drawings with his images.”   Duane Michals (, 2011).

He tells the real secret of producing great photography in my experience when he says
“Trust that little voice in your head that says 'Wouldn't it be interesting if...." And then do it.
  I think photographs should be provocative and not tell you what you already know. It takes no great powers or magic to reproduce somebody's face in a photograph. The magic is in seeing people in new ways. Duane Michals (, 2011)

                                             Madame Schrodingers Cat (1998)

                                                     (Date Accessed: 15th April 2012)

The Madame Schrodinger and her cat are a series of sequential photographs with text to help to describe the thoughts of the subjects.


                                                           (Date Accessed:  13th April 2012)
Salvation challenges the Catholic churches views on homosexuality.  Its thought provoking use of the priest using a crucifix as a gun and pointed at the temple of another man is striking. 
Duane Michals [Online]. 2012., April 15


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